

I receive a lot of emails about various questions. Here is a FAQ to help answer any questions. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.

1. I live in ______. Where can I find brand______sardines?
Unless you in live in the American South, I can't pinpoint a location. Most large retail grocery stores carry certain brands of sardines depending on their contracts with distributors and what brands sell better in that market. Specialty grocers usually carry a smaller, but more exotic variety of brands. Discount stores receive all sorts of sardines; they are a great place to frequent often. A great discount store here in the South is Big Lots. Their sardine selection changes periodically as they receive new shipments of items. Some sardine brands will post on their website a list of retail stores that carry their products.

2. Do you sale sardines?
No, I do not sell sardines, nor will I go out and collect a brand to sell someone. The only tins I have on hand are tins that I have yet to try.

3. Do you trade sardines?
Yes, if you have a brand of sardines that is not on my sardine list and you want a brand that I am able to get, then I will trade. I will trade tin for tin. I will not mail out your tins until I receive the tins you have for trade. You can contact me at

4. Do you have ties with or work for any sardine companies.
No, I have no connections with any sardine facilities. I only eat sardines. The ratings are only my preference, and they should be looked at as suggestions only.

5. Will you rate sardines in recipes or dishes?
No, I only rate sardines straight from the tin. I eat half at tin by itself, and I eat the other half with saltines. Some tins are better alone and others would be better cooked in a dish. I point this out in my reviews. Rating sardines with other foods would not give the sardines a fair rating.

6. Some of your reviews are shorter than others. Any reason why?
No, it's a tin of fish. There is only so many things you can describe in a tin of fish. Some tins hold more than fish: sauce, produce, etc. My reviews are written directly from my notes. Hence, the choppy format.

7. Why do you blog about sardines?
That will be discussed in a stand alone page.

8. Why do "X" sardines taste like "y" sardines?
Many tins are canned at the same facility. There is only one major cannery left in North America, which is in Canada. Despite the fact that different brands are canned at the same factory, I rate every tin individually. Some sardine companies will even put your personal label on tins of sardines.

9. Do you eat anything else besides sardines?
Yes, I eat anything that stays still long enough.

10. I don't eat sardines (because I have never tried). What do you recommend?
I prefer the traditional bone-in sardines, but if the thought of bones turn you away, try the boneless, skinless sardines. They are normally on the dry side, but a good eat.

11. Do you take sardine blog submissions?
Yes, I have created a page entitled "Sardine Eaters" for guests to submit their pictures of sardines, gatherings, stories, and their reviews of sardines. Submissions can be sent to Please include your name and location.

12. What is your favorite sardine?
That's a tough one. They all bring something to the table. Sardines from Spain, Latvia, Greece, France, and Portugal are on the top of my list because they consistently provide good tins of sardines.

Mouth Full of Sardines

Po Box 85

Fallston NC



  1. I applaud your blog, but a couple questions,
    First, do you eat and have you reviewed frozen sardines with the eyes in it, they have so much bone that it makes you not enjoy the experience, I am talking lots of bone you have to fight to get an half a inch left.

    Second, I do note that you state where the product is from, however do you re-review the brand, for instance brunswick, beach cliff. bumble bee sardines sometimes are now labeled "from poland" instead of canada on your site, I'm curious if the quality changed.

  2. Thank you, I've never had frozen sardines, I would think they would be like the fresh sardines and would need their bones removed after cooking, for the bones would not soften like they do in the canning process.

    I actually have re-acquired Beach cliff brand the other day to do a re-review; I even picked up their fish steaks as well, for they are contracted out of Thailand, Poland, and Canada. I've not ran across any Brunswick from Poland yet. Reese sardines is one the most contracted out, brands, they have canneries all over the world canning for them. I may start on the Beach Cliff here soon. I am going to be doing a Beach cliff, USA tin and A Beach Cliff Canadian tin side by side comparison in the upcoming days.

  3. The frozen sardines I buy are much larger, about 6 inches long and whole, uncleaned. I run them under tepid water to remove the scales, chop them into a few pieces, and blend them in the Vitamix with lemon juice, parsley and water. Fish smoothie, with all the nutrients intact! Try it, it's not as bad as you think it will be.

    1. Eww...I love sardines, but that's just wrong!

    2. That sounds like something I saw in a Monte Python skit. I think John Cleese threw an egg in the mix, shell and all for that "crunch that shows you care" I'm with Mr. Unknown: Ewwww!! (And I'm someone who loves tripe, and still Ewwww)

  4. looking for Holmes sardines, I live in Las Vegas somebody help please!!!

  5. Looking for Holmes sardines, I live in Las Vegas and can't find them anywhere. Someone please help!!!

    1. I'm not sure where they would be carried in Vegas. Holmes have been moved from two stores in this area. They now can be found at Roses' discount store in NC.

  6. Here's a brand of sardines that isn't on your list.

    1. Thank you, I'll add it to my to acquire list. My list is hardly a scratch in the the sardines that are out there.

  7. Any thoughts on fresh sardines?

  8. They are wonderful, I just can't acquire them in my area.

  9. I bought this canned Chicken of the Sea - SARDINES - in oil - lightly smoked. I have no idea as how to eat this. Do I need to cook this or is it ready to eat ?

    1. They are ready to eat from the can. You can add them to a recipe of sorts. If this is your first time with sardines, all sardines are not the same. Try another brand, if Chicken of the sea is not to your liking.

  10. cloverleaf brisling in olive oil or mediterranean are very good. thier boneless skinless are good, if dry.
    Love your blog. leaves my mouth watering every time!

    1. Thank you! I'll try and locate some, and give them a try...

  11. My doctor suggested I eat sardines. I've never had them and would like any suggestions re brands, styles and how to eat them. Thanks!

  12. I love to eat sardines and glad to find this website. A lot of people find sardines too fishy for their liking but i particularly like the fishy taste and smell l. Anyhow mu question is, are canned sardines really sardines or they are really mackerels in some brands?

    1. There are many oily fish in the Herring family that are canned as Sardines. Mackerel is not one, Mackerel is canned as Mackerel. Keep popping those tins.

  13. I just got back from my first trip to Portugal. As you probably know they are WAY into sardines over there. I fell in love with eating their sardines and drinking their delicious and very inexpensive wines. Hell I actually might move there, loved the damn place so much.

  14. Hi, I love your blog and love sardines. Do you happen to know of any brands, anywhere in the world, that still have cans that open with a key instead of a pull top? I have a weird desire to peel back a lid with a key again, like I used to decades ago.

    1. No, I've not came across or have even heard of any tins with the roll tops. I would love a few tins myself.
