
Friday, April 29, 2022



"Have you quit blogging again?"

"Where are you?"

"Are you okay?"

"Do you have COVID?"



Thanks for all the inquiries, Sardine Eaters; I've been unable to pop many tins. I hurt my wrist to my favorite hand, my tin popping hand! 

I'm pretty sure Tuna Eaters had something to do with it!

After weeks of healing and images of future tin popping happily in my head, bad luck struck again. Tuna Eaters sent their beast after me! 



Perhaps the hit on me from Tuna eaters may be a fish tale... But the injuries are all true, just brought upon myself.  

I hyperextended a tendon in my wrist, battling a coil spring. 

When I'm not popping tins or doing my day job, I run a rescue and rehab for Eastern Box Turtles. Even though my main focus is Box Turtles and other reptiles, I occasionally help other rehabbers with the furry critters. 

One such furry angel is this jewel. All is well, and she is healthy and good to go!


New reviews will be up soon! Keep popping those tins, Sardine Eaters!

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