
Monday, February 16, 2015

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 2015


  1. How about reviewing the 1999 King Oscars?

    1. I may try and get something up later this week.

  2. How about an updated review of the port clyde? I read you bought three cases which kind of surprises me after reading your other reviews of them.

    1. Yes, I got two hundred tins of Port Clyde in hot sauce, they received 4 sardines out of 5. 5 years ago they had the best hot sauce in a tin on the market; available at any store in this area, and they still do today. The only reason they received 4 instead of 5 was due to the sauce over-powered the fish. It has been 5 years since I reviewed them, I did pick up two tins in mustard as well. The hot sauce tins is a good running around tin. If you like 'em, that's great. My reviews should only be looked at as suggestions. Keep popping those tins!

  3. Wow! two hundred cans did you get a deal or are they that good? Not to pry but how much do 200 tins go for these days? Are there fifty cans in a case? Only two mustard ha ha! Like me you seem to like em spicy. Sorry about all the questions I am feeling extra nosey today!

    1. I got a little over 200 tins, but who's counting. 24 tins to a box. It was around $120 give or take. I got a deal. But they are good, sinus opening good. Hottest sardines straight from the tin I've had to date. I just finished off a tin actually. They are my on the go tin to always have on hand. The ones in mustard are good, just not as good as the ones in hot sauce. I don't mind the questions, I enjoy talking about sardines... imagine that.

    2. Are they hotter than King Oscars jalapeno? I have two batches of the KOs One is blazen and a different batch was weak.

    3. Much hotter. If they was to bottle this hot sauce, I would buy it in a heart beat.

  4. I am looking for vintage Monterey Pilchards/Sardines(Portola, Cresta Blanca, Gold Dollar, Carmel, etc...1902-1945). Do any unopened cans remain, other than what's on display at Monterey Bay Aquarium?
