
Monday, November 24, 2014

National Sardines Day 2014

Happy National Sardines Day, all you Sardine Eaters! What's your plan for the day? Eating a favorite tin? Scoping out and trying unknown tins? Sharing a tin with a non-sardine eater? Maybe even converting a tuna eater to sardines? (We know how those tuna eaters are!) For last year's "National Sardines Day," I donated sardines to a local food bank. I received great feedback on that from the food bank about how people were excited and surprised to find sardines at the food bank. This year I am donating a case of King Oscar sardines, as well as a hand full of coupons for free sardines, to the local food bank. Happy National Sardines Day! Enjoy your tins!

A good read, click on link below or HERE

When you donate to a food drive, do you ponder the nutritional labels of the can in your hand?

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