
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Happy 2014

Happy New Years Sardine Eaters! Hope all of you Sardine Eaters had a safe and tin popping New Year. Does anyone do any sardine traditions? Maybe went to Maine and watched the dropping of the New Year Sardine?
  Eat a traditional Japanese dried sardine meal for prosperity?

I received a smoked mackerel from sardine eater Julanta.  

A very tasty fish. Keeping it simple, I enjoyed it with ale, crostinis, and toast.  

The meat was very succulent. My non-sardine-eating wife even took to the smoked mackerel. 

I would recommend everyone who enjoys sardines to try one. It's a great drinking food. My four-year-old daughter enjoyed it. "It's salty," was her main comment on it. I can't wait to hear your sardine eaters' stories and pics in 2014.


  1. Just wanted to make a comment that I LOVE this blog. Up until a couple of months ago, I would only eat the occasional tin of fish. I mean like once every couple years. For some reason quite recently, I've started eating them a lot more, like once a week. This blog has really helped me make choice son what tins to consider! Thanks for all you do!
