
Saturday, September 22, 2012

What special!?

Drew's Three S special, that special...

My area PPD Autumnal equinox festival was today, and some dear friends were running the concession. They sent out a menu via the Internet letting everyone know what they could expect to enjoy today,

As great as the menu appeared, I only saw one problem, no sardines... So I demanded they put sardines on there. Okay, in reality, I jokingly said they needed sardine wraps. * My friends hate sardines. So wraps were out of the question, but we are still friends. * Minutes later, they update the menu and send this out. 

How great is this!? Killer ass great! That's how. I was told I better *had to* buy some, then again, I told them if they didn't have sardines at the event, I would write a formal complaint for false advertising. And I know they would have told me where to stick my complaint letter, for that's how great they are. Then it occurred to me! What kind of Sardines do non-sardine eaters buy!? At this point, I was expecting the worse. Here is the sign at the event.

Lunchtime came around, and I ventured up to the concession stand.   I asked my buddy, Raven, what kind they were. He hadn't a clue. He just set out three stapled bags in front of me. They read soybean oil, mustard, and water. The decision, decisions. I knew they had to come from a supermarket locale, which would determine a two dollars well spent depending on what brand they were. 

I chose the mustard, then Polar sardines popped in my head.   I put them back and went with the soybean oil. *buying tinned fish in a poke is very different* 

Ah, Northern Catch... You also get 13 crackers in every bag. Gracious with the crackers, I knew Crystal was not a sardine eater when she packed these. Sardines, crackers, and a drink, for two bucks. Now that's a deal. I asked about utensils, but they had to be left out to keep costs down. *But who needs utensils to eat sardines with anyhow?* 

 Then other people got the Drew's three S special, so I made them pose... 

Here is Robin M. with tin in mustard... She had almost killed the tin off before I noticed she got 
em... Northern Catch is good in mustard, by the way...
                                                    I caught Chris A. as he was opening his bag... 

Now that's a mouth full of sardines...

They also run a food drive for the local food banks as a community event. They collected almost 1000 pounds of food today. Great job, guys! Seeing that Canned Fish is one of the most needed items, I was happy to give... 

Before you call me a cheap bastard, I gave a lot more than just two tins of sardines-- a bag of excellent imports and several 5 sardine tins. *Not to mention the bags of mundane canned goods my wife took.*

It was a great day and event; wonderful people and happenings. I even received the Drew's three S specials that didn't sell. Two is all that didn't sell. 


  1. Nice!! Robin does look like she has no front teeth, although I do know for a fact she does. lol :-)

    Great post!
