
Friday, July 3, 2020


Many tins of sardines are truly a "Fish" story.
These Sardines are Mexican Sardinops Sagax. They were acquired by a "sardine agent" (That's all I can say, I've already said too much!)  for the Connors Bros. cannery. They are a west coast fish. 

Any time new sardines are brought in, they do several test runs. 

I was fortunate enough to get a test run tin. At the time of this tasting and their own tasting at the cannery, I was told two containers sold! I do not know what label picked these up. The quality of these fish and the taste alone... trumps anything I've had from the Connors Bros. Most of their fish are imported from Morocco and labeled a product of Canada. As these fish will be labeled a Canadian product as well.

The texture and firmness of this fish remind me of the tins I used to eat as a kid. The Pacific Sardine holds its own against Its Atlantic kin. 

I will attempt to find out what label or labels picked this shipment up, for all you sardine eaters. 

The only thing negative I can about this tin, there was only one.