
Thursday, October 20, 2016

Operation Brain food

Little Free Libraries are becoming a popular thing in communities: a person erects a miniature library in their neighborhood where people can take and leave books. The libraries promote literacy and are a way to bring the community together. With October being National Seafood Month, what better way to promote sustainable seafood and delicious sardines than to begin Operation Brain Food, Mouth Full of Sardines' program to give out free sardines.

 I've started placing tins of sardines in the Little Free Libraries.

This Little Free Library has Dog treats also.
 You can check out a free book and leave with a healthy, delicious snack. I hope that in doing this, it will turn people onto sardines, or even be a meal for someone who is homeless or food insecure and passes the Little Free Library on the street. (No Sardine Eater should be without sardines.) 

All the sardines are wrapped in little inconspicuous packages.

The brands will change with each donation, from imported sardines to sardines found easily at your local market. I always say, "Sardines are for everyone. As long as I'm able, I will always share the little fish." 
You may find a tin in your local Little Free Library.

 If you have Little Free Libraries in your area, think of leaving tins in them. In addition, there is also the Little Free Pantry, a grassroots project that launched a pilot location in May of 2016. It is based on the Little Free Library concept, only with food items. 

Donate to one or even create one. With National Sardine Day coming up next month (November 24th), it's food (sardines) for thought! Keep popping those tins, Sardine Eaters! For more information on Little Free  Libraries, click HERE. For more info on The Little Free Pantry, click HERE. 

I added more books to this one too.